Drupal.locale = { 'pluralFormula': function($n) { return Number(($n!=1)); }, 'strings': { "Unspecified error": "未知错误", "Drag to re-order": "拖放重新排序", "Changes made in this table will not be saved until the form is submitted.": "在此表格中的修改只有在整个表单提交后才会被保存。", "The changes to these blocks will not be saved until the \x3cem\x3eSave blocks\x3c/em\x3e button is clicked.": "这些区块的变更不会被储存起来,除非您按下\x3cem\x3e储存区块\x3c/em\x3e的按钮。", "Select all rows in this table": "选择此表中所有的行", "Deselect all rows in this table": "取消选择此表中所有的行", "Your server has been successfully tested to support this feature.": "您的服务器环境已经通过测试,支持这项功能。", "Your system configuration does not currently support this feature. The \x3ca href=\"http://drupal.org/node/15365\"\x3ehandbook page on Clean URLs\x3c/a\x3e has additional troubleshooting information.": "你的系统设置目前并不支持此功能。\x3ca href=\"http://drupal.org/node/15365\"\x3e关于简洁网址的说明文件\x3c/a\x3e有更多的障碍排除说明。", "Testing clean URLs...": "测试简洁链接。。。", "Removed": "移除", "Remove this item": "删除这个条目", "The selected file %filename cannot be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %extensions.": "选择的文件%filename无法上传。只有以下类型的文件被允许:%extensions。", "No flags": "无标记", "unlimited": "不限", "Close": "关闭", "Upload": "上传", "Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %files-allowed.": "只允许以下扩展名文件:%files-allowed。", "Directory": "目录", "Automatic alias": "自动别名", "Alias: @alias": "别名:@alias", "No alias": "无别名", "Insert this token into your form": "把这个Token(令牌)插入到表单", "Not restricted": "未受限制", "\x3cnone\x3e": "\x3c无\x3e", "Not in book": "不在手册中", "New book": "新书", "@number comments per page": "每页 @number 条评论", "Requires a title": "需要标题", "No body": "没有主体", "Not in menu": "不在菜单中", "Anonymous": "匿名用户", "By @name on @date": "By @name 在 @date", "By @name": "按 @name", "New revision": "新建修订版本", "No revision": "没有修订版本", "Not published": "未发表", "1 attachment": "1 个附加文件", "@count attachments": "@count 个附加文件", "Internal server error. Please see server or PHP logs for error information.": "内部服务器错误。请参阅服务器或PHP日志获取错误信息。", "jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier.": "jQuery 用户界面标签:不匹配片段标识符。", "jQuery UI Tabs: Not enough arguments to add tab.": "jQuery 用户界面标签:没有足够多的参数来添加标签。", "You are not alllowed to create more than %num directories.": "你创建的目录数不能大于%num 。" } };